Us four under two birtch trees

Us four under two birtch trees

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Views from above

On the left: logs waiting to go up for the roof of the scaffolding. 
On the right: kids having a snack. And roof tins waiting.
In the middle: the very end of our road. We don't intend it to come to our house once the house is ready
Middle behind: under rusty roof tins posts and beams for the house (to be used next after the scaffolding and temporary roof is ready)

The top of the scaffolding, about 6.1 meters above the ground.
On this we will now start building the roof of the scaffolding for us to be able to work longer into autumn and eventually we can build the roof of the house under the roof of the scaffolding.
A big benefit of Mick being a rock climber is that he is able to walk and work up here! He might be the only one who can...

The top of the scaffolding from below
Mick put the boards every 60cm (2 feet) for him to feel safe to walk and work up there

Saturday, 14 October 2017

6th of July 2017 till 6th of October 2017

Site cleared from trees

Foundation done, joists done, scaffolding half done

Tuesday, 3 October 2017


When the floor beams were ready with the mortise and tennon joints we put down 32 8x2 floor joists all around the house. This really changed the feeling of the area! The leca foundation and the joints of the beams are covered from the rain with some roof tin Mick collected for free from Joensuu. Every morning when we start work we need to take the covers off.

Having lunch

Now we started building a scaffolding for the house. It will have a roof on it so the whole house will be covered until it has its own roof on. This way we can work in the rain, we can work later into the autumn/winter and we dont need to uncover and cover everything when we come to work and leave work. The scaffolding/temporary rain cover is built from our peeled spruce posts and boards. It took some practice and strength to get them 12 posts into place but we got really good and fast at it and we got the last post in place just before our last helper left.

Luckily Mick is not scared of heights

All the posts are connected to each other with boards. On top of the boards there are planks to walk on. This will still get a third level on it and more support boards and planks to walk on. We ran out of the boards we had the saw mill make for us (of this size) so now we are using used boards we collected last week from near Joensuu for free. They are full of nails so we first need to de-nail them. I do the de-nailing while Mick is up high building.