Mick with Leo and the cot for Luna. Mick, Leo ja Lunan nukkumakoppa.
When we are in the forest we start the work what ever it might be that day. Luna is happy on my back until she falls asleep. When she does I move her into the sleeping cot that we have left further away from us (so the noises we make don't wake her). She sleeps in there a good hour and I am able to help Mick lift logs or do some other work that isn't so good with Luna on my back. When she wakes up I put her back on my back and continue working for a bit. She usually falls asleep again.
Leo likes being in the woods and plays his games following us. The ground with all the branches and trees lying around is hard going for him but he is determined enough to keep on walking. When we get to the forest clearing place the first thing he asks is "äiti, onko nyt lounasaika" "Daddy, is it lunch time now?" so lunch is what he looks forward to. He is also very interested in all the tools and how to use them. And there is a little mouse Mitsy who comes to see us and to eat the crumbs from our lunch from one meter away.
Leo and "roseflowers". Leo ja "ruusunkukkia".
Me and the kids going back home. Minä menossa kotiin lasten kanssa.
It goes without saying that we get less work done with the kids around and we need to look out that they are safe and look after them. But still we get more done than if I would stay home with the kids and not go at all to the forest. And we believe this is very healthy for the kids! They get to be outside a lot and Leo gets to see the whole amazing project of building a house.