We had the digger come to our site again (the last time he came was last July when he cleared the site and put the 9 rocks in place for the foundation). Now we wanted a drinking water well and a percolation area to be done.
We wanted to have the clean water well up hill to our house so that we could have running water with out using electricity. We had planned we would have a hand pump in the house that would start the water to flow and once it is flowing it would keep on coming because of it being up hill from the house. We looked for spots that would likely have water and we also had a diviner come to look for a spot. He found a place where he strongly felt there was water.
The digger tried from there but it had too big rocks in the way. He also tried digging from another spot but that too had too big rocks. He then ended up digging down hill from the house, in a spot where we were sure there was water. And it did have. Now we have a well 3 meters deep. It is close to the house so maybe we will pump our water at the well and then carry it to the house or use some sort of electric pump to pump it into the house.
The well is south from our house, down hill and quite close by. This is an area we would have cleared anyway to let the sun from the south reach the house.
Mick is emptying the well from the dirty water that fills the well at first. He is using a pump that runs with petrol.
Water water everywhere great news thexwellmis working. Mummo